
Showing posts from June, 2012

32 Weeks

sorry for the cheesy look on my face!  Cooking time:  32 weeks, 3 days Weight gain:  +15 lbs...although these days I feel like its 40 extra pounds that I'm carrying around! Maternity clothes:  Dresses & Skirts...I actually wore my black 'skinny' maternity pants to work on Monday and they were a bit snug in the waist...again, good thing its summer and I can wear dresses! Food cravings: hotdogs and sweets Food dislikes:  nothing Missing:  Sleep...the insomnia is getting worse and I'm peeing about 4 times a night. What we've been up to:  -We both have had really busy weeks with work, which stinks because were both exhausted and not spending much time with each other but on the other hand we are working hard for our baby girl.   -We put up the 'mobile' in the nursery...its a collage of lanterns and paper decorations in one of the corners...I love it and love Rollie for being patient enough to put it up :) -We...

31 weeks

Cooking time:  31 weeks, 2 days...can't believe we are only 9 weeks away!  Weight gain:  +14 lbs...right on track for sticking to my goal of 20-25 Maternity clothes:  dresses, dresses, dresses.  The shorts in the picture above are some maternity bermuda jean shorts but by the end of dinner that night I was SUPER uncomfortable...I'm sticking to dresses from here on out. Food cravings:  rootbeer floats are my new thing Food dislikes:  nothing Missing:  Really feeling like my whole stomach is stretching, especially in the late afternoon so I'm getting more uncomfortable and I know its not going to get any better.  Also of course still missing sleeping through the night....the peeing is out of control, and I'm trying not to drink much at night but also worry about fluid intake so its a tough call. What we've been up to: Not much since last week.  We started child birth classes last Tuesday, but tonight's class got ...

30 Weeks

29 weeks, 6 days Cooking time:  30 weeks...10 more to go!  Weight gain:  If I had to guess I would say 13...I haven't weighed myself in a few days and I skipped my 29 week post...sorry! Maternity clothes:  Still rocking the maxi skirts and dresses...its about the only thing that's comfortable and one good thing about being pregnant in the summertime.  I couldn't imagine always having to wear jeans or leggings in the winter time. Food cravings:  hot dogs (nitrate free from trader joes are awesome), Popsicles, and of course cheeseburgers. Food dislikes:  nothing Missing:  being comfortable...this is definitely the stage where things get tough...getting up off the couch, bending over to put shoes on, and getting up 3-4 times a night to pee. What we've been up to:  Lots! -Last weekend on Saturday night we drove down to Los Angeles after work.  We arrived to our best friend Dina's house aroun...