
Showing posts from November, 2012

Lily: 3 Months (13 weeks)

Who knew keeping track of weeks/months was so confusing!  Lily's 3 month birthday was on Wednesday the 21st.  Every month just keeps getting better and better.  She's definitely interacting so much more these days which is so fun and exciting to watch her grow.  This hasn't been an easy 9 days for me, in fact they've been the hardest I've ever endured.  Anyone who reads this blog knows why so I'll spare the details (mostly because I'll breakdown if I write about it).  Lily took not just her first flight, but 2nd, 3rd, 4th...8 flights in 10 days!  (2 round trips to Michigan with a layover each way).  She Weight:  No idea!  We don't have another doctors appointment until the middle of December so it will have to be a guessing game and if I had to guess I would say around 11.5 pounds. Health:  Perfect...such a trooper with all the flights and people last week. Diet:   mostly  breast-milk  but with the traveli...

My little trooper

Lily has been the most amazing traveler (which is a good thing because her mom & dad love to travel!). Between a three hour time change and visiting different friends and family everyday she's done way better than expected. I love you baby girl and thank you for hanging in there this week. We will be back to normal for a week and then our schedules will change once again on the 21st when I head back to work. Until then I'm not letting you out of my arms!

4 generations

Lily and I are back in Michigan, she did amazing on the plane and we were so lucky to have had a whole row to ourselves on the flight here! Right after we landed we headed to my grandmas house so lily could meet her but not before stopping by my brothers work so he could meet lily too! I brought my good camera so ill take lots of pics and do a recap of the trip when I get home but for now here are some iPhone pics! 4 generations!!

My little animal

12 weeks old today and already grabbing onto things herself...while I was in the shower this morning she dropped her pacifier from her mouth and grabbed it with her hands to pull back up to her mouth!

Lily's first Halloween

Last night we headed over to our friends Amber and Josh for a nice low key Halloween dinner.  Josh is an amazing chef and he served us a great batch of posole.  We drank some pumpkin beer, ate some great food and just relaxed with friends.  Lily was again a trooper.  I sometimes feel guilty dragging her out to our 'adult' events but we were home by a decent hour and I know a year from now we won't be able to do things like this with a toddler.  Today we are still in our jammies just relaxing...I don't have many of these days left before heading back to work, and my back is killing me :( Our little elephant  Over it... ...not getting any attention :)