Piper 2 Months

Piper turned two months last week. A month ago I thought she was going to be a little 'harder' than Lily but she has proved to be a pretty darn easy baby. We've gotten into a pretty great routine the three of us during the week. It usually looks something like this: 630/7am up for the day. Rollie gets home from the gym and takes Lily out to the kitchen and starts her breakfast while I nurse Piper. I get dressed, get Piper dressed, and eat breakfast. 830am load up the car and head to stroller strides (I've been trying to go 4x a week). After strides we either play at the park, run errands, or go to playgroup. 1130/12 head home for lunch and naps. Lily naps from 1-330/4 and I'm trying to get Piper to nap for atleast 2 of those hours. I either do stuff around the house, prep for dinner or catch up on the Dvr. 4-5 play in the playroom or outside until Daddy gets home. 530 Get Lily dinner. Start making our dinner and cleaning up the house. ...