
Showing posts from May, 2016

Grandma Lori comes to town (part 1)

My mom came to town for the last 2 weeks in April.   We packed in so much and it was wonderful. She was able to have some nice one on one time with the girls too.  The day we picked her up we of course went to Ikea to scope out kitchen ideas and pick up a few things.  Afterwards we had dinner at The Homeroom (Mac and Cheese for days!).  Meghan was able to meet us too since she just lives down the street in Oakland.  The girls were great at both places.  The next day the girls went to school/daycare while we had some adult 'girl time'  We met up with Kerry, her family, and Kristen for a lovely day.  Started at Martin Ray for lunch and a wine tasting-the ground were just stunning.  Then hopped over to Iron Horse for some bubbles.  My mom and I separated from the group and hit up the outlets for a few new outfits for Lily before heading to a Paint Nite.  It was so much fun!  We painted Bessie the Cow and we were out in Petaluma li...

In the thick of it

Hopefully monthly blogging won't become a habit.  Life has just been crazy.  April was a big blur. We host a bi annual pick up party at work and for the months of April and October I'm pretty much a working like mad or exhausted from working like mad.  Then it took a week to feel normal again! I'm also working split days at the moment (off on Sunday/Tuesday) and its really not fun.  I can't truly enjoy a weekend and its really hard to decompose on Sundays knowing that I have to work the next day.  Hopefully I only 2 more months of it until Piper can start at Lily's preschool/daycare. Rollie was a rock-star Dad as always, taking care of not only the girls but me too.  I know there were days that I was grumpy and not myself.  They did come to visit me one day during the craziness and that helped! Lily is wonderful 90% of the time and a threenager the other 10%.  It's absolutely amazing what a 3.5 year old absorbs and their tiny little imaginatio...