
I love love love my classes! Unfortunately I'm back to looking for a full time job, which means I may have to drop my black and white film class and just continue with my digital night class. I'm trying to take things one day at a time but I seem to look WAY into the future and get stressed out about things I can't even control yet. I have an interview tomorrow for a great job at a great company, but instead of being excited I started to think, what about my upcoming trips, what about school, etc. I always do this and it needs to stop. This brings me to my pictures for the day, yesterday in between class I drove down this little two lane road, pulled off to the side and waited for the sunset. I just downloaded this cool app for my iphone that shows sunrise and sunset times. During this half hour or so all I thought about was how beautiful the surroundings were and was at peace with everything in my life...I need to do this more often!


  1. What beautiful pictures. The horse one reminds me of Michael Clayton. Good luck with the job interview! I totally know what you mean about getting someting but automatically you are like crap it interfers with this and this. You are a planner just like me. We do that naturally!!


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