"30 before 30"

Everyone has been asking "what are your resolutions?" and of course I've thought of many things I want to stop, improve, do better or try for the first time so today while I was thinking of a creative way to write them down and actively 'do them' I remembered my 'bucket list' which I first blogged just shy of a year ago 1/29/10, but created in August of 2008.  I glanced at the list and realized I've forgotten to cross a few off from the past few months...#9 find a job I love (Duckhorn 7/17/10) and #21 Travel to Italy (9/29/10-10/8/10).  Looking at the list its pretty far fetched and of course I would love to think that most things on the list are 'do-able' in my lifetime but for the meantime I need a short term list so I came up with '30 before 30' which I quickly learned from googling is not a very original idea.  30 things to accomplish, try, work on, or stop doing before I turn 30, and since my original bucket list only had 61 items I think I'll add these new 30 items to it to get me closer to that magic number 100.  Now I still need to figure out how to physically cross some of these off because a few are things that I want to continue to do indefinitely.  But first two pictures to represent my two most recent accomplishments...a job a love and Italy!
The Muros and Rollie enjoying Duckhorns veranda

No caption really needed :)

The orginal list...
1. Finish SCUBA certification
2. Dive in the Great Barrier Reef
3. Practice yoga in its native form and country
4. Treat my parents to a wonderful vacation
5. Visit the Grand Canyon
6. Run a full marathon
7. Go to a Red Sox game
8. Learn to salsa dance
9. Find a job I love, 7/17/10
10. Walk the Great Wall in China
11. See the pyramids in Egypt
12. Travel to the Upper Peninsula in Michigan
13. Attend Oktoberfest in Germany
14. See a great white shark (from the boat is fine :)
15. Maintain a happy and healthy weight
16. Hike a volcano in Hawaii
17. Make photography more than a hobby
18. Own a home
19. Learn to garden
20. Take a cooking class
21. Visit Italy, 9/29/10-10/8/10 Rome, Florence and Tuscany
22. Cruise the Greek Islands
23. Ride in a hot air balloon
24. See Oprah live
25. Help build a home for charity
26. Work in a soup kitchen for a day
27. Visit Alaska
28. Recycle more, started 10/1/09
29. Swim with a dolphin
30. Go on a safari in Africa
31. Have a wonderful marriage and grow old with my husband, 3/14/09!
32. Go to Mardi Gras in New Orleans
33. Play 18 holes of golf
34. Go to a Superbowl
35. Visit Ireland
36. Go to an Olympic Games
37. Visit Alcatraz
38. Stay in a over water bungalow on a tropical island
39. Celebrate New Years in Times Square or nearby
40. Get out of Debt
41. Go mountain climbing
42. Visit all States
43. Buy a pair of Christian Louboutin shoes
44. Go white water rafting
45. Visit Brazil during Carnival
46. Visit D.C.
47. Live in another country for 6 months
48. Participate in the Avon walk for breast cancer
49. Raise a dog, 3/25/09!
50. See the statue of liberty (up close)
51. Visit England
52. Visit Portugal
53. Visit Romania
54. See Mt. Rushmore
56. Take the Sex and the City Tour in NYC
57. Eat at the French Laundry
58. Camp at Yosemite National Park
59. Go wine tasting in Napa Valley, 10/8/09!
60. Drive up the Coast of California, 7/11/09!
61. Have kids

New additions..."30 before 30" (123 days or roughly 4 months)
62. lose 20 lbs (yep just throw the hardest one out there first)
63. Finish our stairway photo gallery
64a. Make a dentist appointment this month (1/11)
64b. Make a doctor appointment (yearly check up) also this month (1/11)
65. Save $500 for our Chicago/Michigan vacation in April
66. Pay off best buy credit card next month (2/11)
67. Go to gym or hike/run outdoors M-F for 30 days (started 1/10/11)
68.Visit 5 new restaurants in Sonoma or Napa county
69. Cook 2 new things every month
70. Talk to long distance friends on a monthly basis (on the phone)
71. Make the bed everyday ( I used to be so good at this!)
72. No TV before 7:30pm on work nights
73. Walk rufus daily at least to camino calegio or Starbucks unless raining (distance guidelines)
74. Read a book a month
75. Get out and take more pictures
76. Drink more water, try harder not to buy bottled water
77. Stop buying crap I don't need (mostly clothes, shoes, etc)
78. Go skiing one more time this winter
79. Finish Scrapbooks that I've already started (Cozumel, MX)
80. Listen to live music or go to concert
81. Watch 3 original Star Wars movies and actually understand them
82. Wash my face before bedtime
83. Have Rollie teach me how to make Soupash and have friends over for dinner party that night
84. Teach Rufus not to jump on everyone!
85. Save up $ for a outfit from Lululemon (yoga pants and hoodie)
86. Make/Finish 2010 photo album
87. Update travel journal
88. Put curtains up in bedroom
89. Only use bluetooth in car also, no texting, facebooking, checking email in car
90. 'Unplug' for a weekend, no phone, internet, or tv
91. No diet coke for 30 days

I better get busy and motivated!!! After these are accomplished and after the big 3-0 I'll worry about the remaining
9 on the list until then I'm off to start at least one of these things tonight!


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