Weekend in Review

Several exciting things happened this weekend...but for starters we FINALLY bought a new computer.  After much deliberation we went with a Toshiba 15" laptop.  Rollie and I both wanted a mac but we just couldn't justify the price with many other future purchases in our near future.  We no longer need to constantly plug in our power cord!

With that being said we started the weekend by putting an offer on a house Thursday morning!  We started the house hunt just a few weeks ago and have probably looked at about 20 places so far.  Its an unbelievable time to buy and there is quiet a bit of inventory out there.  We came across a 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom house in a really good neighborhood last week and we just couldn't pass putting an offer in.  Its been a long weekend not knowing the outcome but we both have positive attitudes and whatever happens is meant to be!  Its a very exciting but stressful process but can't wait to be homeowners.

Friday I ran a bunch of errands, cleaned, worked out and hung out with this guy:

Saturday was a crazy day at work for both of us but we had our friends Bri and Brian over for dinner and drinks along with Bri's jack Russell terrier, Pink...Rufus and Pink enjoyed each others company :)
Today was another day of work for both of us and now I'm just getting home from a lovely dinner with Meghan, Rachel, and Meghan's mom who is in from Chicago (and also helped us with our Italy trip) at Rutherford Grill...I'm pooped and ready for a good nights sleep...hoping for good news tomorrow :)


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