Week One

Wow...we knew this house was going to be alot of work but things are taking a bit longer than we expected.  It doesn't help that we both work full time jobs so we've been working on the house from 6pm-11pm everynight after putting in 8+ hours of work/drive time.  Regardless we are still ecstatic.  Over the past few days and nights we've accomplished the following:
-brought in the big furniture from the garage (thanks to Bri and Brian)
-put felt pads on all the furniture (making sure not to scratch our beautiful new floors)
-prepped the rest of the walls for painting
-bought a recliner (yeah for Rollie...don't worry its a pretty one)
-started to clean windows
-painted our master bedroom (valspar stone mason gray)
-demo'd our master closet (it was a hot mess of random wood planks, shelves and rods)
-primed all the dark wood trim in our master bedroom
-painted the master closet white (thank you to Jessica and Justin for helping with this task and the 3 before this)
-bought sheets for our new bed (we were sleeping on the master pad!)
-caulked the windows in our master and part of the counters in our kitchen (we noticed ants last night...gross!!)
-unpacked a few boxes

Geeez...I'm exhausted just typing this!  Tonight we are planning on...
-painting the trim with a nice clean semi gloss white and removing the blue taping (praying that our first taping job was a good one).
-Starting to install our closet system (thanks Martha Stewart!)
-Figure out some electrical issues (switches that don't do anything sort of thing...so we can brighten up the place)
-Switch out the working fan thats over the dininig room table to the family room (eventually replace the space in over the dining room with a chandilier or other light)

Here are a few wip pics (work in progress)...
my first attempt at paiting

thanks Justin!

primer on the dark wood trim

after master closet demo/paint


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