The break is over...

We agreed to take a month break from any home repairs.  We were trying to do too much and burning ourselves out, so after our housewarming party we took a little break.  We've done little things here and there such as replace more outlets, hang curtain tie backs, re-arrange some accessories and furniture and clean up/organize the I guess that's our version of a 'break'.  Last night while driving back from the Stanford game we came up with a new list and its definitley not short.  This is in no order of what takes priority...although the outdoor things most likely will come first while we still have nice Fall weather.  Here it goes:

-Finish guest bath which includes:
  *buy/install light & plug cover
  *buy/install step plate for weird step up to toilet/shower (pics to come)
  *tighten toliet/buy new wax seal
  *install baseboards
  *patch tile by shower
-Sand and paint 2 black ledges in dining room
-Finish door trims (dining room and master bath doorways and closet)
-Paint master bath
-Replace toilet in master bath (yep, it still smells after replacing wax seal and floors...gross!)
-Install lattic under deck, already bought just need to cut/nail down
-powerwash/seal deck for winer
-clean gutters/remove old direct tv dish
-clean up yard, weeds, trim trees (prep for winter)
-paint kitchen
-paint bar that's on deck

Posts to Update
-guest bathroom update
-deck furniture re-arranged
-family room furniture re-arranged
-garage clean up

Hopefully tonight I'll find some motivation to update a few projects with some pictures!


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