
What better time than the new year to start blogging again, right?!  Its been a very busy few months.  We had a house full of visitors for 4 weeks in a row from Nov. 4th through Dec. 9th.  Lots of drinking, eating, wine tastings and catching up with friends and family.  We took the month of December to recoup, relax and enjoy our first Christmas in our new home.  We enjoyed a quiet Christmas with just the two of us Christmas Eve...ordering in pizza, and then Rollie's step-mom Anne joined us for a nice dinner on Christmas night.

We both received promotions in December so work has been busy but rewarding and we traded in Rollie's baby (aka Audi A4) for a more 'green/family' car, a 2012 Honda CRV (he is now driving 90 miles round trip each day)...but its his first brand new car so that's exciting!

Yesterday we got back from 3 1/2 days in Phoenix for the Feista Bowl.  Unfortunately Stanford lost after an amazing season to Oklahoma State but we had a great visit with our friends the Baldwins and the whole Stanford crew.  We enjoyed some quality time with friends we hadn't seen in a while and their 18 month old daughter, Nyah.  We shopped, hiked and ate some great Mexican food :)

Here are a few pictures from the last few months!

Wine Tasting in Sonoma with The Thompsons

Stanford/Oregon game with The Thompsons

Wine Tasting in Napa with The Yosts

more wine tasting :)

Mom and Sara Visit

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Ugly Sweater Party with Mom and Sara

Winter Wonderland house in Rohnert Park

Brunch in sausalito


Stanford Pep Rally

Nyah Baldwin!

Stanford tailgate at the Fiesta Bowl

Part of the crew

Hiking Camelback

We don't really make new years resolutions but we will be making a big effort to work on the house again. We started today by painting the two ledges we have in the dining room/entrance way a nice semi gloss white to match the rest of the trim in the house along with the window trim in the kitchen.  A few things we have on the list are as follows:
-finish painting all the dark trim glossy white (2 more door ways and our guest bathroom trim)
-finish the baseboards in both bathrooms
-paint our bathroom
-replace fixtures/lighting/fans/hooks, etc in our bathroom
-refinish kitchen cabinets
-window treatments for kitchen window
-hope for a nice tax return to replace countertops and/or side fence
-prep front and back yard for new grass seed in spring
-work on gallery wall in hallway
-power wash/stain deck
-shop for a new tv console

Geez!! Its never ending!


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