40 Weeks/Birth Story
Well as most of you know by now I made it to 40 weeks...40 weeks and 2 days actually. This picture was taken on Sunday, August 26th prior to taking a nice long walk with Rufus and Rollie in hopes to start labor...no such luck. Monday rolled around and we went to the Dr. I was about 2 cm and my midwife 'stripped my membranes' again and we called the hospital to schedule an induction on Thursday morning. The plan was to check into the hospital at 8pm on Wednesday evening where they would apply cervidal to 'ripen my cervix' and then I would start pitocin on Thursday morning. Well...luckily non of this had to happen! After the Dr. on Monday my friend Meghan came over for lunch (we made salad and enchiladas) after lunch I just didn't feel well. My back really started to hurt and I had no energy. That night we just relaxed and watched tv on the couch. I had a few random contractions but nothing strong enough or regular enough...