39 Weeks

No side shot this time around...we tried it and I looked huge!

Cooking time: 39 weeks, 1 day...really hoping this is my last pregnancy post :)
Weight gain: +24 lbs...gained 3 whole pounds in 10 days in between Dr. appointments this time around!
Maternity clothes: Same...dresses and skirts :)
Food cravings: No cravings...haven't really been in the mood to cook.  Its been in the mid 90's all week so I've just been trying to drink ALOT of water.
Food dislikes: nothing
Missing: Sleeping, bending over/tying shoes, getting off the couch...ugh its all just annoying now.
What we've been up to: 
-I'm officially bored on maternity leave.  The house is clean, all baby clothes are washed and organized, there are a couple freezer meals ready for post baby, hospital bags have been packed and repacked, and car seat bases are installed.
-We had a great day off together yesterday.  We hit up 2 new wineries nearby (don't worry I tasted but spit).  We went to Thomas George Estates which had really great Chardonnay and Pinot and nice tasting in the cave and Matrix which was decent...but nothing that really stood out.  Afterwards we headed into Healdsburg for lunch.  I had read about this place called the Wurst (sausage and beer garden).  Come to find out the owner is from Detroit!  I opted for the smoked chicken habanero, tequila, and lime dog...nice and spicy hoping to induce labor but no luck!  They had really good fresh cut french fries too.  After lunch we walked around the square a bit and then got some Gelato and sat in the park for a bit.  We came home, I took a nap (I'm getting really good at these) and then we started a new series on Netflix...Breaking Bad.
-I'm trying to keep busy this week with at least one thing planned everyday.  Today its lunch with some girlfriends in Petaluma, tomorrow is lunch with another girlfriend here in Santa Rosa.  Wednesday Rufus has his yearly checkup/shots- I know super exciting.  Thursday I have a Dr. appointment...hoping for some progress.  If the Dr. tells me I'm the same as last week then I will probably be set up with some tests at the hospital on Friday to make sure the baby is doing well and not too big!  


  1. I hope this is your last pregnancy post too. The last week or two are miserable, especially with hot weather. Keep drinking a lot of water, you will really be glad. I can't believe you actually took a nap! Good training for when she arrives. Be sure to let me know what the doctor says. Love the nursery entry. Waiting for that girl to get here!


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