
Showing posts from December, 2012

Lily's 1st far

Its been a great Christmas weekend so far.  We are of course wishing all of our friends and family lived closer so we could spend time with everyone, but we are thankful for technology that allows us to share memories with pictures, instagram, blogs and Facebook until we can be together. Sunday afternoon we had a visit from Anne, Rollie's step-mom.  She brought a few gifts for Lily, which were the first things she officially opened...a new peek a boo book, Oxo bowl and plate and Oxo sippy cup.  Then we all had a lovely lunch at Rosso pizza with some yummy french & Italian wines, homemade fresh burrata, and thin crust fire oven pizza's.  We love that place! Monday (Christmas Eve) Lily and I ran some errands while Rollie worked.  Then we had a visit from two of our friends, Kerry & Kristen and enjoyed some good conversation and bubbly.  Last night Rollie, Lily and I headed to Stark's steakhouse for Christmas Eve dinner...we mig...

Lily 4 Months

Merry Christmas Eve Eve!  We finally have a day off the 3 of us...and then Lily and I are home together tomorrow and then we of course will all be home together on Christmas Day.  Its going to be a very quiet Christmas.  Its been very very bittersweet this year.  Part of me feels more complete than ever celebrating Lily's first Christmas but then a part of me is very sad and empty being the first Christmas without my Dad.  But I know he's watching us and smiling knowing that we are celebrating his granddaughters first Christmas.  This morning I finally got around to taking her 4 month pictures... Today Rollie's  step-mom Anne  is coming up for lunch and to visit with us all for a bit, tonight maybe we will attempt to go to a movie with Lily...not sure how that will work out.  Tomorrow I may do a bit of wine tasting with some friends and then the 3 of us going to Stark's Steakhouse for Christmas Eve dinner.  Christmas day we will prob...

This week in review

Tuesday was our regular Tuesday playgroup that we look forward to every week. Cameron and Reese hosted and we played white elephant. I won some yummy salted caramels, homemade vanilla extract and a great soft jungle book for lily from our friends rosey & Vanessa. After playgroup I met up with a new mommy friend, Melissa and her 10 month old jack for a walk around spring lake...we're hoping to make this a Tuesday afternoon regular. Wednesday lily came down with her first cold so I stayed home from work and snuggled her all day (and got a little housework done). Thursday, Jessica our daycare provider made lily the cutest ornament and Rollie left work earlier to pick her up since she was still a bit under the weather. Friday we left lily for the first time (besides with my mom) and had out first night out together in a long time! We went to our friend Cameron's holiday party...and I had a little too much fun, feeling it the next day. Sunday we hosted a little holi...

Great Weekend

Its of course tough being back to work but I really couldn't ask for a better schedule than what I have right now.  I have Sun-Tue off which gives me great family time with Rollie and Lily on Sundays, Mondays I can either relax, clean or run errands, and then Tuesday mornings are spent with my playgroup which I really look forward to every week.  This past weekend my Aunt Sara who's more like a big sister to me, was up in San Francisco from Orange County with a friend of hers for a long weekend.  I headed down to the city on Sunday morning for brunch and the Nutcracker.  It was such a lovely day.  Rollie watched Lily and although it was nice to have a day 'off' in the city I was ready to get home and see her yesterday afternoon.  There were so many cute girls dressed up in holiday outfits at the Nutcracker...I can't wait until she is old enough to go. My aunt drove back up with me and spent the night, getting to cuddle and snuggle with Lily last...

Random Lily Pics

I've gotten into a bad habit of using my phone ALL the time to take pictures but this last week I've made a better effort of taking some 'real' pictures of Lily... bath time fun and Christmas pjs!