This week in review

Tuesday was our regular Tuesday playgroup that we look forward to every week. Cameron and Reese hosted and we played white elephant. I won some yummy salted caramels, homemade vanilla extract and a great soft jungle book for lily from our friends rosey & Vanessa.
After playgroup I met up with a new mommy friend, Melissa and her 10 month old jack for a walk around spring
lake...we're hoping to make this a Tuesday afternoon regular.

Wednesday lily came down with her first cold so I stayed home from work and snuggled her all day (and got a little housework done).

Thursday, Jessica our daycare provider made lily the cutest ornament and Rollie left work earlier to pick her up since she was still a bit under the weather.

Friday we left lily for the first time (besides with my mom) and had out first night out together in a long time! We went to our friend Cameron's holiday party...and I had a little too much fun, feeling it the next day.

Sunday we hosted a little holiday get together for our playgroup, giving the hubbies a chance to finally meet. I totally failed and didn't take a single picture!

We're home relaxing today and if we find the motivation we might run a few errands but I'm just feeling fortunate to spend another day with my baby girl with regards to the recent tragic events in newton, CT.


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