Working mom problems

Today was one of those perfect days that makes me wish that I was a stay at home mom.  Usually I'm pretty content working my 4 days a week and being with my family the other 3.  Don't get me wrong I miss Lily like crazy every minute that I'm at work but right now I enjoy working and providing for my family.  Hopefully in a couple years I'll be fortunate enough to stay home if/when baby #2 comes along.

Back to today.  Lily woke up in a great mood, we took a nice long walk/jog with Rufus before Lilys morning nap.  I caught up with my brother while she napped and got ready for the day.  We then met a friend at a new park and the babes played, snacked and got lots if fresh air & sun.  After the park we came home, ate lunch, played and Lily took her afternoon nap.  Then we walked to meet friends at pump it up (an indoor inflatable playground) which is just around the corner from us.  Lily loved it!  Such a fun day.


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