Thanksgiving 2013

After returning from Michigan Thanksgiving was here!  I really do love Thanksgiving but its still very hard without my Dad.  It was definitely his favorite Holiday so I can't help but think of him even more at this time of year.  I was going to order a whole meal from Whole Foods but felt guilty and broke down and went shopping.  Our really close friends Kristen and Kerry came over and brought half the Thanksgiving menu as well so that helped :)  Rollie's mom made us yummy cinnamon rolls for our post turkey trot run too.

We had lemon herb rubbed turkey, macaroni and cheese, sage sausage stuffing, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, rolls, orange cranberry sauce and oreo pie...yep oreo pie!

We lounged, ate, walked, and slept.  Ended the night watched Elf.  Perfect day with friends and family.


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