38 weeks

Cooking time: 38 weeks Weight gain: 28 lbs Food aversions/cravings: Nothing new...nothing actually sounds great until I actually eat. I'm beyond uncomfortable so definitely small quantities. Sleep: Horrible! I've been out on the couch the last few nights until 2ish in the morning. When I used to see commercials for Restless Leg Syndrome I used to laugh a bit but now I realize its a real thing and it sucks! Sadly I will probably sleep better once the baby is here. Movement: Still a big mover. Waiting for her to drop so I can breathe a bit easier. Overall feelings/symptoms: Lots of braxton hicks, pelvic pressure, and getting tired very easily. Getting up and down is really hard...pretty much just really uncomfortable. What we've been up to: Lily's birthday was last week and pretty much celebrated Thursday-Saturday. Thursday night we picked up my Aunt in Oakland and we...