37 Weeks

Cooking time: 37 weeks, 1 day 

Weight gain: 27 lbs. 

Food aversions/cravings: Nothing new, can't eat large amounts at all...which is for the best.  Heartburn is bad, but controllable with antacid.  

Sleep: Not great at all.  Insomnia is here to stay I think.  This restless leg syndrome is ridiculous, for some reason I do better on the couch falling asleep to the tv so I resort to this some nights.  Last night I took a unisom and slept great from 10-4 but then was up from 4am on.  Naps have been pretty regular during Lily's nap which saves me.

Movement: Lots, especially if i lay on my side.  I think she 'dropped' last week but has is back up this week, which the doctor confirmed yesterday at my appointment (and is apparently very normal with 2nd babies).

Overall feelings/symptoms: My back is still great, thank god! Tons of braxton hicks, sometimes even painful (not just uncomfortable).  

What we've been up to: I'm on maternity leave!  My last day was the 9th.  Last week Lily stayed in daycare so I was pretty productive running errands, lunching with friends, a Chelsea Handler show, a friends baby shower and a little relaxation too. This week I'm trying to just enjoy time with Lily, especially since her birthday is Thursday!  How is she 2!?!  Tomorrow we are headed to the new Sonoma County children's museum, Thursday we pick up my Aunt from Oakland Airport, Friday prep for Lily's birthday party.  Saturday-party time!  Much more low key than last year but I'm still happy I'm having one (I originally wasn't going to)...but its her last one as an only child! 


                  37 weeks with Lily

               37 weeks with baby W


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