Holiday Hustle and Bustle

Well I'm super behind in blogging and rather than recap the last 3 weeks I'm just going to randomly share a few thoughts.  Before Thanksgiving and heading down to Orange County for 9 days we took our annual family pictures with our good friend Jean Claire.  Its a side business for her and she is beyond sweet to set aside a couple hours to capture our family memories.  Here are a few of my favorites this year.

The girls and I headed to Orange County on the 23rd and surprisingly the flight was pretty painless aside from Lily not wanting to keep her seatbelt on during take off.  The first night there we headed down to the Ritz for their tree lighting and Santa arrived in a woodie with a surfboard on top (only in Southern California).  That week we had lots of park time, walks to the beach, good long naps from the fresh air, happy hour (me not the girls) and just relaxing.

Dina came down to visit with me and the girls and then we had lunch in Costa Mesa with Jodi before I headed up to El Segundo to get Rollie from LAX and we hung out with the Muro's for some wine and pizza before and after picking him up before heading back to my Aunt's house.

Thanksgiving was 85 and sunny...still so weird after 11 years in California.  We walked to the beach and stopped at the St. Regis cafe for a holiday cocktail before heading back to my aunts to prep for Thanksgiving.  We had a great meal and were all in bed early!  Friday my aunt and I briefly did a little black Friday shopping at Nordstrom Rack and then we met friends Chris & Jamie in Dana Point for a Christmas light show with Chris's nieces...the girls had a blast together.

Saturday morning we headed back up to El Segundo for breakfast with Rollie's family (stepmom, stepsister, her husband, and their son).  Then we hung out at Dina's, watched some football, napped and got sandwiches from our favorite deli.  Before dropping him off at LAX we had a quick visit with our friends Paul, Stacey and their son Slaiden at the park.

The rest of the weekend we just hung out around my Aunts then Lily was getting a bit restless and was ready to get back to her routine (as was I).  Luckily Monday night I had my cousin and his girlfriends help on the flight back home.

Since we've been back it has pretty much been raining non stop.  We of course need it but the days are long cooped up inside.  Thursday was the worst of it as many schools were closed for flooding and roads were pretty bad.  We are ready for a little forecasted sunshine tomorrow and we might attempt to see Santa :)


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