
Showing posts from February, 2015

Winter in California

Well it sure hasn't felt like Winter around here.  While the rest of the country is buried under snow, we've been enjoying spring like temps and the flowers are in bloom everywhere. I think its safe to say that we are all healthy again.  After a brutal January and first couple of weeks of February, one or all four of us had terrible colds.  This past weekend we actually had 2 whole days together as a family and we spend a lot of it outside cleaning up the yard and just enjoying the weather.  Since I just did Pipers update I thought I should do one for Lily too.  Hoping I'll get back to weekly blogging (I think I say that every time). Lily We started potty training Lily roughly 3 weeks ago and I'm amazed at how well she has done.  She's in regular underwear with the exception of naps and nighttime...however 90% of the time she wakes up dry from naps.  She has had very few accidents with pee, number 2 is another story...she either has an accident ...

Piper 5 months

Size: Last month at her 4 month appointment she came in at 14.2 lbs and 24.5 inches.  Not much more than Lily (I think a pound and an inch and a half), although she seems so much bigger.  I'm sure by now she's up to 15 lbs.  I recently got out the 6-9 month clothes and the 9-12 isn't too far behind.  Sleep: We are getting there.  She's down for the night at 630.  This past week I started dream feeding Piper at 10pm before I go to bed (or move from sleeping on the couch to our bed).  This usually means she wakes up to nurse around 130/2 and then sleeps until 5ish. At 5 she usually comes into bed with me where I nurse her back to sleep until Lilys up at 630.  Naps are pretty good (really good at daycare) 830-10am and 130-330ish. Food: Nursing is still going great. I'm pretty tired of pumping at work but I love nursing when I'm with Piper so I don't see stopping anytime soon.  She also gets formula here and there depending on my supply.  We...

What's the what

I'm really not sure how professional bloggers keep up.  I always plan on writing but a million other things end up taking priority.  I'm fully back to work as of 1/15 (prior to that I had only worked a of days a week). Besides being exhausted all the time things are going well.  I really like Pipers daycare provider and Lily is thriving at preschool. My workweek (wed-sat) is crazy but we have a system down, which mostly consists of prepping everything possible the night before to make for a smooth morning.  I think Piper could possibly be teething and lily is diving into potty training (whether she likes it or not!) So needless to say it's been a crazy few days.  We all also battled the 2 week cold but unfortunately round 2 is back with a vengeance on Rollie.  One of these days I'll get back to regular posts but for now a few recent pics.