Winter in California

Well it sure hasn't felt like Winter around here.  While the rest of the country is buried under snow, we've been enjoying spring like temps and the flowers are in bloom everywhere. I think its safe to say that we are all healthy again.  After a brutal January and first couple of weeks of February, one or all four of us had terrible colds.  This past weekend we actually had 2 whole days together as a family and we spend a lot of it outside cleaning up the yard and just enjoying the weather.  Since I just did Pipers update I thought I should do one for Lily too.  Hoping I'll get back to weekly blogging (I think I say that every time).

We started potty training Lily roughly 3 weeks ago and I'm amazed at how well she has done.  She's in regular underwear with the exception of naps and nighttime...however 90% of the time she wakes up dry from naps.  She has had very few accidents with pee, number 2 is another story...she either has an accident or holds it (poor thing) until she gets a diaper on.  I think we will just keep trying to get her to go on the toilet but many friends have said they went through something similar.  Lily has been so much fun lately and pretty tantrum free thank god.  Her eating habits could of course be better but I'm learning not to stress about it and just keep offering her different foods (mostly at dinner time) with hopes that we will slowly introduce new choices.  Her new favorite thing of the moment is definitely singing, which I'm sure comes from being at school.  Twinkle twinkle, itsy bitsy spider, wheels on the bus, baa baa black sheep, and of course the ABCs are a few of her favorite.  We found a new (to us) tv show, Daniel Tiger, that she really enjoys right now too.  Sleep is going great (knock on wood).  The good nite lite was a life saver from a friend of ours.  We have moved her from waking up at 515ish to 630!  She is pretty much the cutest thing ever and waits patiently a few minutes before the 'sun comes up' and then yells in a super high pitched voice....'daddy suns up, daddy suns up'  and then is so proud of herself!  Melts my heart!  Lily of course also loves her little friends so much right now.  If we aren't with them and we get in the car she immediately starts talking about them and listing off names. 

Over the past couple of weeks we have had some fun visitors, Nicole and her mom, my friend Lauren who is back from New Zealand, and Rollies oldest childhood friend Jake and his girlfriend from Chico.  Rollie and I have both been out with friends here and there but usually one at a time since we don't have a true babysitter yet for both girls.  Fogbelt is a newish brewery and its our new favorite place to grab a beer.  Kerry and Kristen (our very close friends) finally closed on their house in Guernville after a long and brutal buying process, and we had dinner over recently to check it out.  We've also started at home date night every Thursday after the girls go to bed and the phones/laptops/ipads get plugged in and put away.  We each take turns planning it and so far we've recreated our favorite meal in Italy while watching the documentary Somm, recreating the first meal that Rollie ever made for me 9 years ago on Valentines Day while watching, and an outdoor picnic while playing dominos.  Can't wait for tomorrows surprise! 


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