Happy half birthday Piper

I know everyone says it but I can't believe my baby girl is 6 months old!  She is the sweetest happiest baby around.  She is the light of our lives (next to her sister of course).  Her smile and laugh can make all the stress, tiredness and worries go away.  Her beautiful big grey eyes light up a room.

Size: No idea.  We don't have another check up for two more weeks.  She is in mostly 6-9 month clothing.  I just bought size 3 diapers since size 2's are getting too small.

Sleep: Better but not great.  Since day lights savings we have pushed bedtime from 6:30-7:00 which allows for more time for us to spend with her after work and closer to Lilys bedtime which makes dinner/bathtime more manageable.  Typically she sleeps from 7-12/1 and then from then until 4:30/5. Lately she has been waking up soaking wet not necessarily hungry but I nurse her back to sleep anyways generally in our bed where she then sleeps again until 7.  I bought overnight diapers today for the first time so I'm hoping that helps.  I would be a very happy momma if I only had to wake up once a night.  She also now mostly sleeps on her stomach.

Food: She nurses 4-5 times a day and gets one 6 oz bottle of formula once a day since I've decreased how much I pump at work.  We also give her breakfast and dinner (oatmeal, pears, squash, bananas, and peas).  She has had some mum mums (rice crackers).  I've made it to my personal 6 month goal of nursing.  I don't see stopping anytime soon, not to mention she is pretty attached to mommas boobies.

New milestones: Still working on fully sitting up, somewhat sucking her thumb, eating more of course, holding a bottle herself, and increased motor skills.


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