Piper 9 Months

Size: Still no idea.  We have a Dr. appointment this week for her 9 month well check up.  Wearing 12 month + clothing.

Sleep: We can finally say that she is sleeping through the night.  For atleast a month now she sleeps from 7pm to 5:30am.  Typically around 5 or 5:30 she will fuss and I'll bring her into our bed and she falls back asleep until 6:30 or 7 depending on the day (if I need to get up or not).  Naps are generally from 9-1030am and 130-330pm.  

Food: 8oz bottles at 7am, 12pm, and 6pm.  Breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks throughout the day. She is quiet the little eater.  There hasn't been one thing yet that she has refused except some baby oatmeal.  Her favorites are cheerios, fruit, meatballs, cheese, avocado, and pasta.

New milestones: Somewhat army crawling.  She can definitely get from one side of the room to another by scooching and army crawling but won't get up on all fours yet.  She also has no desire to put any weight on her legs if we stand her up, its pretty funny.  She waves if we wave to her and she's of course babbling alot more.

She is still the happiest baby around.  These days the only time she cries is if she's hungry or if you take something away from her.  We love you so much Piper, Pipes, Piperoni, Piperuski...


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