Birthdays Birthdays Birthdays

Well we've successfully had 3 birthday parties in the last 3 weeks...and I learned to never do that again :( Too much for this momma.  Clearly the reason I haven't blogged.  On the 21st of August we had a few close friends over for pizza and cake to celebrate Lily turning 3.  Simple but still requires prep and cleaning.  She has the sweetest friends though and I know that even though she's only 3 she will look back and hopefully be thankful that I had a party.  The girls at the end of the night had a dance party on the trampoline with glow sticks and it was just about the cutest thing I've ever seen.

On September 5th I threw a surprise party for Rollie's 35th with a little help from friends.  We gathered at Hopmonk Tavern in Sebastapol and had a really fun (adults only) night out.  I had custom Star Wars cupcakes made from Sift and they turned out AMAZING!  Worth every penny.  Rollie assures me he had no idea so that made it even better.

Last but certainly not least, we had Pipers first birthday yesterday morning.  I went with a nautical theme and even though I ended up ditching alot of pintrest ideas due to a crazy week last week it turned out pretty cute.  We had mini crossiant sandwhiches, watermelon, fish n chips (ruffles and goldfish), live bait (swedish fish) and homemade chocolate cupcakes. 

I'm so very thankful for great friends that celebrated with us.  I'm sure your sick of The Wrights by now, I promise nothing more until next year...ok maybe the Holidays :)

I'm off to sleep.  Ha!  If only.


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