November 16-22

Look at me ahead of the game!

Last Monday we went to my friend Jean Claires house to see her nursery and run some errands together-Target and Home Goods.  J.C. was due with her first little boy December 12th but he ended up making his early debut the following day!  Her and her husband Tom were quiet shocked, but everyone is healthy and happy!

The work week was quiet boring and routine.  Really nothing happened during the week which was actually very nice with the busy Holidays coming up.

I did get the girls some matching elf pajamas though.

Saturday Rollie and the girls came to visit me at work.  We ate lunch outside and walked around the beautiful property.

Last night our friends from Chico came for the night.  We made a great dinner; salad, fall root veggies, and pot roast with some delicious 2010 Atlas Peak Merlot.  We had a sitter come for a few hours so we could escape to a few breweries too!

Were hoping to have a lazy Sunday.  We started off with a cinnamon roll casserole and now were all snuggled up watching a movie.  I might go sneak away for a pedicure and solo Costco trip :)


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