Spring Time

We've  been trying to enjoy the back yard as much as possible-last weekend we made the first (I'm sure of many) trips to Home Depot's garden department.  We are also trying to figure out what to do with our dreaded side yard.  I would love to do raised beds of some sort but it really doesn't get enough sun.  Decomposed Granite is definitely at the top of our list but there are some other house projects that come first.  Speaking of house projects we are updating the girls (guest) bathroom-hopefully starting tomorrow and then we will start planning our big kitchen remodel.

Piper's daycare was on vacation from March 21-25, so she was graciously watched by friends all week.  Monday was spent with Kerry and Kristen, Wednesday with Dawn, Thursday with Micaela, and Friday back with Kristen.  We sure are lucky to have wonderful friends.  That week we also had friends over to dye Easter eggs and play ball in the back yard :)

Lily had a Easter egg hunt at school on Friday the 25th...she wore her Easter best!

Rollie has been taking advantage of our membership at the Children Museums on Saturdays.

We hosted a chaotic lovely Easter Brunch with friends last weekend. 8 adults and 7 kiddos (under 4) make for a not so relaxing but fun morning.  The kids had a blast finding their treasures. Lily only wanted to find the blue Easter eggs-and she did the same at school too!  Oh boy...type A much?!

This past week we met friends at the park in between doctor appointments.  Piper had her 18 month check up and is healthy and right on track!  90% for weight at 27 lbs and 50% for height at 32.75 inches.


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