4th of July in Clovis

We finally got down to Clovis to the Downers house.  They moved back to the States from Germany in the Spring of 2015 and bought a gorgeous house in Clovis about a year ago.  It's a really  neat subdivision where everyone is on at least 2 acres and there is a horse trail behind the houses. I had to work that Saturday (the 2nd) so we drove down after I got off.  Chris was on call that night but Amy's parents were in town so we all drank wine out by the fire and let the kiddos play until past their bedtimes of course.  Sunday morning we all went out to a yummy breakfast and bought some fire works for the 4th.  We spent the rest of the day in the pool...literally 8 hours I think! That evening Amy's parents offered to watch the kids so we could enjoy a dinner out.  We drove around to 4 different restaurants before finding one that was open!  So odd...but I guess alot were closed because of the Holiday.  It was really nice to catch up without running around after the littles.  Sadly we were all exhausted and still home by 9:30!  The morning of the 4th we woke up and made pancakes, played some games and lounged around before hitting the pool again. Amy's mom made all the girls matching dresses so we cleaned everyone up and took a photo shoot. That night we debated loading up all the kids for the local fireworks show but we just made our own instead. Piper was quiet the pyro, Lily...not so much!  It was such a great weekend, we are so glad that they are just a drive away now!


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