August 2016

Well August started out well...a visit from my bestie and her family,

a trip to the County Fair with friends,

and an adult day floating down the Russian River...

and then I got really sick, for a month! It started with a dry annoying cough, which turned into a gross wet cough, which then unfortunately turned into bronchitis and for a moment my Dr. thought walking pneumonia but xrays showed I was clear.  I've never been a sick person so it's extremely frustrating to me and I don't take orders to "rest" very well.  I push through and pretend all is well, but this time it was just too debilitating to ignore.  I missed maybe 1 full day of work, taking off early a few days for Dr. appointments and "resting" with a 2 and 4 year old while working full time is near impossible.  After a round of steroids and antibiotics I finally felt better before we left for Michigan over Labor Day weekend.

We still managed to fit in more swimming lessons for Lily, this time privately taught lessons at a local Health Club, she did great. 

Rollie and the girls came to visit me one Saturday at work.

On a Sunday morning we tried out a new park in Petaluma before hitting up Lagunitas for lunch...they now have a great area for families with a big rolling hill for the kiddos.

We started walking with Sally and Jackie on Mondays-we've missed them!

The girls preschool year officially started on August 16th.

The Friday before Lily's birthday we had a morning donut date and brought in a bunch of donut holes to her class for a treat.

Rollie and I escaped one night to a Fundraiser in Healdsburg for Down Syndrome called Project Zin. I had complimentary passes through work, always a good perk. Afterwards we checked out a great new craft cocktail bar in Healdsburg called Duke's.

Sunday, August 21st Lily turned 4!  We put a bunch of balloons against her bedroom door-which back fired when she woke up around 4am to pee!  We spent the morning lounging around and opening a few gifts along with homemade pancakes of course.  We all took early naps and then headed over to Kerry and Kristen to scoop them up and head out to the coast.  It was FREEZING! but we enjoyed ourselves and the girls loved it.  After the beach we went out for fish n chips and then back to K&K's house for birthday cake.  Not to toot my own horn but I made Lily an incredible 2 layer white birthday cake with chocolate frosting...all from scratch.  She turned to me while eating it and said, 'momma it's reaallllyy good'...I cried! I can't believe my little baby is 4.  I need to dedicate a whole separate post to Lily's favorite things and what she's up to these days.

Cathy and Sal spoiled the girls with a swing set for a joint birthday gift...they just love it, along with all of their buddies. 

On August 28th (even though still under the weather) I followed through with a joint birthday party for Lily and Piper.  I figured I probably can't get away with joint parties for too long so I went for it and they loved it.  We hired The Snow Queen to come for a visit.  She sang, danced, read stories and face painted-definitely nice to have something entertaining for a bunch of 2 and 4 year olds! Anne and Lisa came up early for some quality time with the girls and spoiled them with scooters, cute boots, and babydolls. Then the rest of the crew came over after naps for the queen, pizza and cupcakes!

We rounded out the month with a 'framily' dinner at Kristina and Emma's house-we sure do love our framily :)

See...not much resting.  One day I'll learn...maybe!


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