October 10th to 16th

On Monday October 10th we were lucky enough to be invited to Carneros Inn for the day with our friend Kasey, Ruby, and new baby Georgia.  Kasey and fam moved to the east coast at the beginning of the year when Aaron was offered a great position at a country club in PA.  Kasey's parents still live in Southern California and still own a condo at the Carneros property.  We had a blast catching up and letting all the kiddos play.  We picked up cupcakes to celebrate all of the older girls turning 4 this year since we missed some birthdays together.

A few pics from Lily at school and a picture of our first rain of the Fall season.

Rollie had I had a date night in Petaluma at a cozy Italian restaurant, Risibisi.

A new sports arena opened right around the corner from us with a trampoline park, indoor soccer fields, a bowling alley and sports bar.  Rollie took the girls to the trampoline park that morning. They loved it, and he did too.

Saturday evening we celebrated Emma turning 4 with a Under the Sea themed party.

Sunday was my Harvest Party at work.  The girls love having their cousin Connor nearby. 


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