April Recap

How is it mid June already?!  The first week of April was my 2nd busiest weekend of the year at work-our Spring Release Party.  We go nonstop for 2.5 weeks and its exhausting.  Luckily the girls and Rollie always stop by and see me.  I think I manged to drag myself to a framily dinner that Sunday night too.

Later that week we impromptu met The Kliegls at Kai's winery for an industry party.  Fried Chicken and Rose-yes please!

Rollie and I escaped one night for massages and Russian River Brewery.

The girls started Soccer.

We started a giant backyard project...that just finished last week!  We took the rubber bark that was just when you step off our deck and laid it on the side yard (which was dirt and weeds).  Rollie made 3 beautiful raised garden beds and we moved a lot of the kids stuff out of site to that space.  We then leveled and dug 6 inches down off the deck in order to put in a decomposed granite patio.  More to come on that...because we also took down the railing and built infinity stairs.

I made a delicious chocolate cake for Anne's birthday and her, Cameron and Lisa came up for dinner during Cameron's spring break.

The girls had an Easter Egg hunt at school.

We went out to dinner with The Changs one night (we walked up to the Sports Bar near us)

I took the girls to the Museum.

We celebrated Easter with Kerry and Kristen at the Barlow with a super cute Easter Egg Hunt followed by lunch at HopMonk.

Piper had 2 head injuries within 24 hours...bumped into the corner of an open car door and jumped off her bed into the built in cabinets.

Framily dinner at The Kliegls and a late birthday celebration for Micaela.

I experimented with Focaccia and brought some out to The Farm to Kerry and Kristen.  The girls got to meet the baby chicks too.

Rollie came and met me in Healdsburg for a lunch date-we should definitely do that more often!

We had dinner over at The Chamians.

Another Framily dinner at The Patels...and an impromptu Rose Release party at Unti on a Sunday morning (Rollie took his WSET Level 3 Test that day)


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