21 before 30???

Well the big 3-0 has come and gone and I think I didn't pretty darn well...not 100%  though.  Some tasks or goals were a bit hard to "cross-off" since they were things I want to continue.  There were only a few things that I just flat out didn't get to or do...like lose 20 lbs!  I haven't gained anythough :)  Dentist, photo gallery, scrapbook, skiing, soupash and starwars were among the others.  All in all it turned out pretty good seeing as though I've been much busier at work, trying to find a house and just plain old busy with life.  Next up...hopefully a home improvement list as we should here about our offer next week. 

62. lose 20 lbs (yep just throw the hardest one out there first). trying really hard on this one since we got back from Chicago but giving it a few more days before stepping on the scale again.

63. Finish our stairway photo gallery this is on hold since we started looking for houses, still on hold since we are looking for houses and decided not to purchase anything new for our exisiting rental.
64a. Make a dentist appointment this month (1/11) still need to do...
64b. Make a doctor appointment (yearly check up) also this month (1/11) Appointment was 1/13
65. Save $500 for our Chicago/Michigan vacation in April
66. Pay off best buy credit card next month (2/11)
67. Go to gym or hike/run outdoors M-F for 30 days...still not great...I have 4 weeks to improve
68.Visit 5 new restaurants in Sonoma or Napa county 1.Mikes at the Crossroad in Cotati 2. Flavor in Santa Rosa 1/14 3. Rosso in Santa Rosa 1/20/11 4. Carlos Country Kitchen in Santa Rosa 2/10/11 5. Jacksons in Santa Rosa 3/10/11 6. LoCoco's 5/12/11
69. Cook 2 new things every month 1.dumpling vegetable soup 2. shrimp pad thai 3. brown butter & zucchini gnocchi 4. baileys cupcakes with baileys frosting
70. Talk to long distance friends on a monthly basis, still trying and improving
71. Make the bed everyday ( I used to be so good at this!) still improving
72. No TV before 7:30pm on work nights still failing horribly, but now thats is lighter out later hoping to improve
73. Walk rufus daily at least to camino calegio or Starbucks unless raining (distance guidelines) also not so great...need major improvement...again now that its warm out this should improve
74. Read a book a month 1. billionaires vinegar 2. unbroken (half way through) also reading the 3. wine bible...also started 4. Widow Cliquout...I'm reading 3 books right now, maybe I should try just for one! 5. Pretty in Plaid, Jen Lancaster
75. Get out and take more pictures...hoping to walk around the city this coming weekend for some new shots
76. Drink more water, try harder not to buy bottled water definitely big strides here...doing great :)
77. Stop buying crap I don't need (mostly clothes, shoes, etc) doing great as well, although have bought a few new spring items :)
78. Go skiing one more time this winter...don't see this one happening :(
79. Finish Scrapbooks that I've already started (Cozumel, MX) on my to do list this week
80. Listen to live music or go to concert saw live music Saturday 2/28 at Cellars of Sonoma & Live in the Vineyards on 3/11 at Uptown Theatre in Napa
81. Watch 3 original Star Wars movies and actually understand them
82. Wash my face before bedtime probably every other night in the last week...about half the time
83. Have Rollie teach me how to make Soupash and have friends over for dinner party that night
84. Teach Rufus not to jump on everyone! working on it
85. Save up $ for a outfit from Lululemon bought a jacket :) still want some pants :)
86. Make/Finish 2010 photo album also on list for this week
87. Update travel journal almost done, just a couple day trips to write about from this past Fall
88. Put curtains up in bedroom
89. Only use bluetooth in car also, no texting, facebooking, checking email in car trying really hard! Need to consistently charge bluetooth
90. 'Unplug' for a weekend, no phone, internet, or tv date planned 2/16-2/17 staying at company house on Goldeneye property (sister winery of Duckhorn)
91. No diet coke for 30 days I think I only had 3 in 30 days...did good for a month and then started again...damn free ice cold diet cokes at work


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