Home Sweet Home

Again, very past due.  After spending a great weekend in Chicago, Rollie and I took the amtrak over to Michigan.  The ride was waaaayyy too long but it was less expensive than renting a car or flying.  Unfortnaltey the 7ish hour ride through Illinois and Michigan in the early springtime didn't prompt any thoughts of moving back to the midwest anytime soon.  A bit too dark, dreery, and brown for us :(  California sure has spoiled me.  I wish I could move my whole family out here!  Anyways, my Dad picked us up from the train station (where it was hailing and freezing in April mind you) and we headed to his house to relax and enjoy some primos pizza (a local pizza joint that has been around well before I was born and the same guys are still working there...so amazingly good.  It is home).  Monday morning Rollie and I headed over to Somerset Mall, we met up with my mom, grabbed a bit to eat, walked and shopped.  The rest of the week we just relaxed and spent time with my family.  Here are a few pics from my mom's house.


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