Approaching the 2 month mark

We are back from vacation and ready to start working on the house again.  Right before we went on vacation we bought, painted and had our baseboards installed.  We also finally got a fence put Rufus now has full reign of the yard!  Pictures on that to come...
Last night a worked on a few small decorating projects.  A few weeks ago I was at Farmstead restaurant with some girlfriends and saw a neat idea with ball jars, tea-lights and small rocks.  While we were at OSH I noticed that a whole dozen ball jars was on sale for $ the 15% coupon we found :)
Here are a few pics of the quick, simple and cheap project to spruce up our deck a bit.

Still can't believe this is our backyard

this guy was a big help :)

Love this deck! 


  1. So the Ruf-dog gets to run around? Yay! and the lights look neat. Somewhere I found a whole bunch of neat things to do with Mason jars similar to this... I will have to locate it and send it or Pin it for you.


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