One month anniversary!

Friday was our one month anniversary of the closing of our house.  The list of to-do's continue but we've taken some time to sit back, relax and enjoy all of our hard work this past week.  Neither of us can 'relax' very well so we've of course still been working but just not as hard.  Here is a list of what we've been working on:
-trimming trees
-cleaning  up side yard (well paying someone to clean up all the junk that was left here plus what we've added to from our demo's)
-continuing to replace outlet covers and light switches
-bought 2 lamps on craigslist for $25 (total) for behind the couch
-took down huge ugly dry/erase board that was left in the kitchen
-brought in all the bookshelves and organized books in living room, bought a 4th at ikea
-bought and put together sofa table (actually a desk from ikea but you can't even see it so nobody would know!)
-bought and installed a temporary light above the dining room table ($13...thank you ikea!)
-received new pillow covers that I ordered from etsy
-bought another pillow at ikea to add even more fun color to the family room
-bought some nice matted frames for our bedroom and dining room 
-organized built-in shelves in guest room

I'm sure I'm forgetting a few small projects but these are the main ones that I can remember at the moment.

We would like to get our back fence put up, install lattice under deck, install baseboards and figure out our plan for the guest bathroom before we go on vacation in a couple weeks.

Here are a few before and 'in progress' shots :)
Dining Room before

Dining Room in progress

dining room centerpeice

coffee table centerpeice

new pillows!

new lamps, sofa table and pillows (will probably paint lamps silver/grey)

rufus enjoying the new pillows

top of sofa table

top of sofa table

guest bedroom before



guest bedroom in progess...loving the new chevron pillow

rufus again enjoying the new pillows

guest bed side table

right side built in...need more of course :)

my $2 thirft store find

love decorating with books right now

left built in/office area

great antique ball jar from Rollie's grandmother

guest room in progress

guest room in progress

love my west elm soap dish for guests jewlery 

of course my capiz shell decor...that has now made it through 3 moves!


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