13 weeks

We've officially announced our little bundle of joy, so I'll be posting the last few posts that I wrote weeks ago but couldn't share.  I'm 13 weeks today and have some fun new symptoms.  My energy and appetite are back but I'm now experiencing headaches, a bit lightheaded and feeling REALLY uncomfortable after eating. Yipee! We had a short visit from Rollie's mom last weekend and then our friends Bri and Brian came into town for 2 nights.  And most recently we just got back from 2 days in Carmel...very nice and relaxing.  Rollie volunteered at the AT&T pro-am gold tournament so we spent Thursday strolling around Spyglass checking out the celebs and golfers, and then had an amazing dinner at the restaurant at the Preserve (Cathy and Sal's property in Carmel).  Friday I hiked with Rufus and relaxed while Rollie was volunteering.  Busy week!  We are both looking forward to a quiet week at home.

Cooking time: 13 weeks
Weight gain: -2...gained 2 pounds in 3 days...golf course soft pretzels, steak & potato dinner, dessert, and a gheradehelli sundae!  I promised myself that this was the last weekend I got to eat whatever I wanted... at least we walked alot!
Maternity clothes: not yet.  The maternity jeggings I ordered didn't work out...way to short and low rise, so I returned those and ordered some new ones...hoping those work out.  I bought a bella band too which I'll be using very soon.  My mission this week is to find some new black leggings.
Food cravings: red meat...I guess its my bodies way of saying I need iron! And chocolate...all the Valentines Day goodies.
Food dislikes: nothing yet
Missing: sleeping through the night!

13 weeks...taken at Spyglass AT&T Pro Am

13 weeks...I have a nice double love fat tire thing going :(


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