Books for 2012

I figured before the baby comes I need to read some books!  I'm a very slow reader and easily get distracted or want to move on to another book before I'm finished with the current one.

In January I finished:
-The Help, by Kathryn Sockett (and just saw the movie last week too...both great).
-Belly Laughs, by Jenny McCarthy (really funny but super short!)
-working my way through The Mayo Clicnics Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy and What to Expect Before You're Expecting

-Today I just finished Unbroken, by Laura Hildenbrand (great great book)
-About to start The House of Mondavi (which I actually started already but then realized I needed to finish The Help first)
-working my way through The Mayo Clicnics Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy, What to Expect Before You're Expecting and Skinny Bitch for the baby bump
-Also working my way thru Frommers Hawaii :)

On the list for the next few months:
-Kitchen Confidential, Anthony Bourdain
-Dive deeper into the Wine Bible (its just usually more fun to drink wine while reading about wine!)
-Possibly attempt The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo again...just couldn't get into it before
-Napa: The Story of American Eden, James Conaway
-I'll need some easy beach reads for Maui...suggestions welcome :)


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