25 Weeks

I know its a super glamorous picture with the industrial toilet in the background...I took this Saturday at work during our Spring Release Party...taken at 24 weeks, 6 days.
Cooking time: 25 weeks, 3 days
Weight gain: +8.5 pounds
Maternity clothes: Same...its been pretty warm so dresses are my best friend.
Food cravings: Still red meat, fruit and salty snacks...looking forward to trying some new foods in Maui and eating some fresh fish (don't worry, nothing with too much mercury)
Food dislikes: some veggies just don't taste great
Missing: Laying on my stomach...I love reading magazines or books on our bed on my stomach and I realized this week that I do miss that.  I missed having a tasty cold refreshing margarita on cinco de mayo.

What we've been up to:
This was a really crazy weekend at work for me, which made me even more ready for Maui.  We leave our house tomorrow morning at 5am!!!  So I'm off to finish some last minute packing :)  Aloha!


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