.Cooking time: 27 weeks, 2 days
Weight gain: +10 pounds...okay so it looks like 2 of those pounds from last week were bloat/water weight from flying...I've consistently weighed my self every morning this week and I'm sticking with up 10 pounds, which makes me feel a bit better.
Maternity clothes: dresses, dresses & more dresses.
Food cravings: Haven't been craving red meat like normal, but definitely still fruit, salty snacks and sweets.  I have my glucose test tomorrow morning so I've been trying to stay away from the sweets since getting back from vacation.
Food dislikes: nothing
Missing: sleeping through the night (a trend that will never go away), being comfortable...this week started the first time I actually feel uncomfortable, I think she has a foot or hand up my rib cage.  I thought surely it was too early for this but after checking with some fellow mommies its definitely possible. 

What we've been up to:
Recovering from vacation and working on the nursery.  We put a bookshelf together last night that will act as just that as well as a side table next to the rocker.  I've been added, deleting, and changing items on the registry and getting really excited to see friends and family in LA soon.  Tomorrow we are heading down to Ikea to pick up some closet shelves and hopefully find some curtains at West Elm, Crate & Barrel or Z Gallerie for baby girls room.  We ordered the crib and it should be here next week, so things are really coming along and starting to become very real!


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