Lily 5 Months
5 months with our little angel...I can't believe it. This age is so much fun!
Weight: I'm guessing around 14 pounds. I still get asked all the time, 'how old is she?' and when I say 5 months, people always say...'oh she's so small!' which is just so funny because she was 8 pounds when she was born...not small!
Diet: Mostly breast-milk but we are supplementing formula once a day while at daycare. I'm hoping to last 9 months with breastfeeding. We also tried oat cereal and sweet potatoes recently. She loves oat cereal but was kind of indifferent with the sweet potatoes. Oh, and at playgroup today she devoured a num num cracker...will be buying those soon.
Sleep: Hit or miss unfortunately I guess what they say about 4 month sleep regression is true. We typically start Lily's bedtime routine around 7 with a bath, book, and then down for the night. She goes down no problem...within seconds. However, she wakes up around 11 or 12. Sometimes I give in and feed her but sometimes (like last night) we let her cry it out and fall back asleep. And then she wakes up again around 3 or 4. I can handle the once a night nursing session but 2 gets to me and I'm having a harder time falling back asleep lately.
Health: Good, but definitely in and out of teething (at least I think). She has great days and horrible days, with just being fussy for no reason, extra sleepy, etc.
Baby Gear We're loving:
-baby Einstein jumper....still a bit too small for it but can tell it will be great
-piano play mat
-sofie the giraffe
-stuffed bunny
-any teething toy she can get her hands on
-Bob stroller...since we are both getting back in shape we've been taking lots of good walks lately
-crane humidifier during these cold dry winter days
-getting more used to her bumpo chair
-Ergo! Love it...the bjorn was perfect from 0-4 months but it was hurting my back too much and a lot of friends suggested the Ergo and I really like it so far.
-finally got a little giggle out of her, but haven't heard it very often...I'm really waiting out for a big belly laugh.
Postpartum: Doing great. Rollie and I started a diet on Jan. 3rd when we got back from LA. We are really hoping that this is a lifestyle change and not just another diet. We want to be healthy for Lily and live the best lives we can. We both have pretty big goals (25 lbs for me and 50lbs for Rollie). I'm down 4 so far which is a great start and puts me at 3 pounds lighter than I was when I got pregnant. Rollie's kicking my butt! If I can continue with my roughly 1 lb. a week I'll reach my goal by the 4th of July...just in time for my best friend Shannon's wedding on July 2oth. I'm really trying to figure out how to fit in exercise on my workdays but its hard :(
Hey Jeni, Dave Chandler here... What a cutie! Looks like you and Rollie are enjoying parenthood! They really are fun at that age, and continue to be up until around 2 when they learn "no" and start pushing boundaries, but even the "terrible" twos aren't always "terrible" just the first real experience at being a parent where the child shows that you're not totally in control anymore (so it's not "terrible" in terms of the kiddo, more in terms of learning to parent in my opinion.) Oh and Mum-Mum's are AWESOME! Especially for teething kiddos, they have flavored ones as well, veggie and banana for sure (can't remember all) but my boys always liked the plain ones, LOL.
ReplyDeleteHi Dave. Good to hear from you. This age is sooo much fun. How old are your boys now?!