Week in review

Not too much to report on this week. Monday lily was definitely doing some major teething and was super fussy so we stayed home and I attempted to work on her baby book when she allowed me. Tuesday was playgroup at Miceala & Ensleys where lily of course had fun with all the babies and I had fun with my mom friends. Wednesday was back to work but I got an adorable picture from our babysitter of you sucking your thumb...and then that evening we tried out the ergo carrier for the first time at whole foods. The bjorn was perfect for 0-4 months but my back was hurting too much. So far the ergo seems great, I really love the zipper pouch for my keys/cards/phone. I had a longer end of the work week with an extra half day in Sunday so Rollie got lots if quality time with lily. I ordered a foam puzzle mat that came this week and lily just loves it...needed more baby friendly floor space.

As I write this, at 12:27am (stupid insomnia) lily turns 5 months old! Which means photo shoot in the morning :)


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