6 Months!

Happy half birthday baby girl!  I cannot believe you've been in our lives for 6 months now.  Everyday gets better and better.  Lily is so full of life and smiles, I swear I've never seen a baby smile so much in my life!  

Weight: We're thinking 15 pounds, Rollie got on the scale with her and that's what we gathered.  Our 6 month check up isn't until the first week in March so we will find out for sure then.  She has really (ahem...) filled out, she has major baby rolls!

Diet:  Same, mostly breast-milk but we are supplementing formula once a day while at daycare.  After having a week off at the end of January with Lily definitely helped boost my production.  I love nursing.  It's easy, free, convenient, and efficient.  On the other hand I hate pumping, washing pump parts, and washing bottles.  I'd love to breastfeed for a year, but realistically I think I'll make it to the 10-11 month mark.

Lily loves oat cereal, num num crackers, peas, pears, and squash.  We currently feed her solids at night (hoping for a longer nights sleep) but after our 6 month check up we will see what the Dr. recommends. 

Sleep: Still hit or miss.  Sometimes we have great nights (sleeping from 7pm-2am, up to nurse for 10 min and then back down until 6/630am) but other nights are up at 11, 1 and 5...ugh!  I'm pretty exhausted these last few weeks.  We've been social butterflies which is great but with Lily's erratic sleep schedule its caught up to me...but that's a whole other post. Naps are also very frustrating, sometimes she naps for 30 minutes and sometimes 2 hours, and sometimes 3x a day and sometimes once...

Health: Great.  95% of the time she is a happy camper.  The teething has seemed to stop for the time being.

Baby Gear We're loving:
-baby Einstein jumper....still a bit too small for it but can tell it will be great
-piano play mat
-sofie the giraffe 
-stuffed bunny
-any teething toy she can get her hands on 
-Bob stroller
-crane humidifier during these cold dry winter days
-Ergo carrier

-bright stars stuffed elephant and giraffe with rubber feet for teething
-penguin mirror that she looks at during tummy time
-caterpillar wubbanub (paci)

-lots of giggles and laughs

-touching her toes
-noticing Rufus alot more and petting him...its the cutest

-lots and lots of talking, and definitely finding more sounds (the squeal...yikes!)
-lots of drooling and blowing bubbles
-saw the ocean and loved the waves!

pumpkin, sweetie pie, baby girl

Favorite Books:
Goodnight Moon, Goodnight San Francisco, Owl in the tree, Where is baby?, Lilly's chocolate heart

Postpartum: Slow and steady wins the race, right?!  I'm down 5 pounds from my pre pregnancy weight, which means 20 more to reach my goal.  Its tough knowing how many calories I should be in taking while nursing, but I love using myfitness pal app to track everything.

Drooling and blowing bubbles


Not too big to stop napping on momma

enjoying a lazy morning with the whole family in bed

eating cereal 

Being a little fashionista

happy camper just before bed time 

Getting spoiled by Jessica (our babysitter)

Loves her Daddy/daughter Saturdays

First time at the ocean

Family hike (her max stroller time these days is about 45 min...dislike)

Airing out

Loves her playgroup buddies
Alden, Aryia,Vanessa, Roman, Reese & Ensley

LOVES tummy time


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