Grandma Lori comes to visit

The last week of January my winery closes down for needed repairs, so my mom and I thought it would be a perfect time for her to come visit!  We had one of the best weeks yet.  It felt like a real vacation for me too.

Sunday 1/27:  Lily and I picked my mom up from the airport and we headed to Ikea for a bit to walk around, pick up a few things and get some inspiration.  That night we picked up some take and bake pizza's and just relaxed.

Monday 1/28: We pretty much played around my house all day.  My mom has the most amazing eye for furniture placement and decor, and with getting a new couch and moving things around I definitely needed her expertise. 

Tuesday 1/29: We headed over to Korbel for some bubbly, walked around Armstrong Woods Park, tasted at Red Car Winery, and then ended the night with my friend Jamie who was in town for work at Stark's for a great happy hour. 

Wednesday 1/30:  We woke up and got ready for a busy day in San Fran.  First we took some great pictures on the north side of the Golden Gate, then we headed into Fisherman's Wharf for clam chowder in a sourdough bread bowl...yum!  After lunch we got a good walk in by checking out the seals at Pier 39 and Ghiradelli Square for some window shopping and of a course a hot fudge sundae.  My friend Meghan who works at a winery in the city was pouring at a happy hour at the Grand Hyatt so we headed into Union Square for some tasty wine.  We rounded out the day with a great dinner with my friend Hollie at La was amazing!  Lily was such a trooper during our long day out.

Thursday 1/31:  Early in the morning we headed over to Jenner Beach to volunteer clean up with my coworkers.  We couldn't have asked for a better day with the weather.  After our clean up we all headed over to Bodega Bay for lunch.  That afternoon my mom and I got massages at our favorite $25 foot massage place! 

Friday 2/1:  We took it easy in the morning and then headed over to Spring Lake for a nice long walk and then shared yummy fajitas for lunch.

Saturday 2/2: I worked, so Lily and Grandma had a nice fun day together.

Sunday 2/3: It was time to say goodbye :(

Here are just a few pictures from my camera...I have many more I may phone that I'll upload in a separate post.


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