Week in Reivew

Another great week with our little angel.

Monday Lily and I laid in bed a bit before starting our day with a great (hot!) walk with Jack and Melissa.  The temps were in the 80/90's all week and our walk at 9:30 was already brutal, but glad we got those hills in.  After running a few errands we headed home to hang out in the baby pool again.  That evening we headed over to our friend Rosey and Tim's for dinner a yummy dinner.  Rosey is an amazing cook and Tim is quiet the beer aficionado so it was an indulgent night.  Green garlic soup, Parmesan crisps and lasagna.  The girls (Lily and Vanessa) were perfectly content entertaining themselves...we are so lucky! After dinner we all headed across the street for a pre-bedtime swing, it was nice to enjoy the warm nights.

Tuesday Lily and I went for a jog, grocery shopped and cleaned the house all before playgroup.  We've pushed playgroup back to 11 since all the babies were usually napping until that time anyways and everyone was late. It seemed to have worked out well since we had a full house over at Rosey's.   I know I've said it before but I'm so fortunate to have found these lovely ladies.  Its something I look forward to every week (oh and its good for Lily too...) and its nice to have a great support system.  I was nervous about entering this next 'stage' in our lives since not too many of our friends have kids yet (at least the ones here in Northern California) but I've already met friends that I hope to remain friends with for life.

Wednesday and Thursday was back to the grind and Lily started to get a cold :(

Friday after work we checked out a new restaurant downtown called Belly 707.  Great food, atmosphere, and beer selection.  Lily had the attention of every table around us of course.

Saturday was Spring Celebration for me at work so I had a long hot day.  Rollie, Lily and our friend Tom had a Star Wars Marathon, it was May 4th...May the 4th be with you.  Once I got home I joined them for the end and we bbq'd.

Last night was a rough one.  I think Lily's cold had turned into an ear infection.  She was up on and off from 1-7 and has a very low grade fever.  We are going to the Dr. tomorrow if things don't turn around. Rollie did some yard work this morning while I tackled the inside of the house.  Lily's been sleeping on and off all day, poor thing.  Its so hard seeing them sick.  Amazingly I still got a few smiles out of her today.  Such a trooper.

Lily chilling in our bed Monday morning

Loving the warm weather dresses

loving her pool

Vanessa and Lily starting a band

enjoying the park

happy girl! 

Helping me grocery shop

Beautiful babes...Ariya, Reese, and Lil

playing at home

Watching me get ready for work

Relaxing after work on Thursday, who needs clothes when its 90 out!?

Another morning smile

Checking out the new dinner spot

My loves

Can't get enough of her

May the 4th be with you

Reading her new book today

Still has a little spunk even when sick


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