Week in Review

Wow what a week! Thank you to all my friends & family who helped me celebrate one of the best birthday weeks ever!

Monday I went for my usual walk/jog with jack & melissa. They have sheep and goats along the road we jog on to naturally cut down the grass, how cool!? Then I was off to the spa at Hotel Healdsburg while our friends Kerry & Kristen watched Lily. I had a massage and a facial...ahhhhh. Afterwards I sat by the pool and then treated myself to a glass of wine and lunch at pizzando in Healdsburg. That night we sat out in the deck and just relaxed.

Tuesday, my birthday. Lily and I ran some errands and took some really cute pictures before playgroup. Playgroup was at Stephanie and Jude's, and Stephanie got the most beautiful chocolate cake to celebrate...so sweet. That afternoon Lily and I headed to the mall, shopped a bit and I got a pedicure. All the ladies loved Lily and luckily she was super good while I got my ties done. That night we headed to our favorite spit, cellars of Sonoma with friends to celebrate. It was the perfect evening.

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday are a blur. I worked. Friday night we headed to carmel (see previous blog posts).

Back to reality and back to my diet!

A few pics from the week...


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