Week in review...right on time, possibly a bit early :)

Another week down.  This past Monday was Memorial day, and our only day together as a family.  We spent the morning cleaning, purging, and organizing. It felt great.  We have something going on every weekend in June so it now or July!  That afternoon Briana, Brian, Kerry, and Kristen came over to bbq.

Tuesday was playgroup and lots of errands.
And we got a laundry basket for the bathtub...thank you pintrest.

Lily started to army crawl and even take a few 'real' crawling moves this week. Tear.
Friday night after work we met friends, Lyndsay, Avery and crew for a impromptu dinner at Sweet T's, love that place.  Lily ate squash, pulled pork, and mashed potatoes.  She also discovered she loves oranges, rind and all.
Yesterday was a super warm day at work.  Rollie & Lily came to visit a friend of Rollie's from college who was vacationing in Napa.  All my coworkers were excited to see Lily since it had been a few months.  Especially Tony, who fed he some turkey from his sandwich.
Last night after I got off we met Dawn, Amar, and Ariya at the golf course for happy hour.  The boys spent some time hitting balls while us girls caught up...we failed and didn't get any pics. Afterwards we got frozen yogurt, Lily had a small bite and was pretty excited about it.

Today were going for a nice family jog, then heading over to Napa to meet good friends who are in town from Redondo Beach and then later this afternoon to another good friends birthday bbq/pool party in Napa.

I work tomorrow then I'm off for 9 days!


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