Lily 11 Months

Where has the time gone?!  It honestly feels like I was just pregnant.  How can Lily be just a month shy from 1 year old?!  While in Michigan (post to follow) Lily decided to show off for Grandma and Great Grandma.  She waved, stood up while hanging onto something, crawled up stairs and took steps while hanging onto us.  She can't sit still for very long and is into EVERYTHING.  We still haven't 'baby proofed' but we have found a way to contain her into our tv room which is pretty safe.  She's eating EVERYTHING too.  We are down to just 3 bottles a day, 7am, 4pm, and 7ishpm.  She eats breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as snacks throughout the day.  Some of her favs include raspberries, blueberries, watermelon, strawberries, cheerios, ritz crackers, waffles, bread, cheddar cheese, feta cheese, string cheese, turkey sausage, turkey, chicken, lamb, pulled pork, corn, peas, and I'm sure much more.  A few things she doesn't like are banana's, green beans, and mashed potatoes...yes mashed potatoes...what kid doesn't like that?!
Sleep is still great.  She goes to sleep at 7:30 and wakes up at 7am, takes two naps a day one around 9am and another around 2pm and they range anywhere from 45-120 minutes.  Rollie and I were just saying this morning that this is by far the best age, but I have a feeling we will continue to say that.  Here are a few 11 month pics (a few days late)


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