Week in review

This past week started out with playgroup at the park.  It's really nice to change up our location once in a while.  We played on the playground go a while before letting all the babes play & snack on the blankets.  Afterwards lily and I ran a bunch of errands.  One of those errands included me getting a mini kurig...I'm obsessed now.
Wednesday we attempted to go for our weekly jog with Melissa & jack but I had forgotten that my stroller had a flat from before leaving for Michigan.  So lily and I hung out around the house in the morning.  Then we ran an errand for my boss, got my car smog checked and temporarily fixed the stroller so we could take a little stroll in the afternoon.  Then just before Rollie got home I took Lilys 11 month pics.
Thursday after work we meet a few friends at the windsor town green for a concert in the park.
Friday & Saturday were pretty mellow.  However on Saturday Lily started walking with her shopping cart and now she is hooked!
Sunday Rollie golfed in the morning while I met Melissa and Lorielle for a jog then I headed over to Cameron's to meet the girls for a casual brunch/play date.  Lily was obsessed with trying to fit under the little cubby in Cameron's kitchen.  That afternoon we met Rollies stepsister & stepbrother, and stepmom at sonoma state to watch Cameron's (Rollies step nephew) lacrosse game.  Then we ran some errands and rounded out the weekend at heritage public house for an early dinner just the 3 of us.



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