Another week bites the dust

Well after last week you'd think we'd slow down.  Nope.  Monday at work my friends Briana, Brian, Kerry and Briana's family came to visit for Bri's moms 60th birthday.  After work they invited us to join them for dinner in Healdsburg.  We went to this amazing Portuguese restaurant called cafe Lucia.  The food was insane.  One of the best meals I've had in a long time.  I had a scallop dish and Rollie had lamb.  Lily was perfect and even slept in her stroller for close to an hour.

Tuesday Lily and I went to Dawns for playgroup, where she had made two beautiful cakes for a late birthday celebration for Ariya.  After group Lily and I ran a bunch if errands and I worked on some birthday stuff while Lily napped in the afternoon.
Wednesday Lily and I ran more errands, I got my haircut, and then had happy hour/book club that evening.

Thursday after work we met the gang on the town green in windsor for a Michael Jackson cover band concert.  Oh and Lily found its really fun to take all the books off her bookshelf.

Friday was work and cleaning/relaxing at night.  Saturday I worked while Rollie & Lily had a fun day together.  That evening after work a few of us girls went to bistro jeanty in yountville for dinner.  It was incredible.  Good company too :).  Lots of good food and wine this week...I'm not getting on the scale for a few days.
Today while the boys golfed us girls and the babes had a relaxing, casual gathering.  After Rollie got home we all relaxed/napped which was nice.  This afternoon we went to the music hall at Sonoma State to see the San Fransisco Symphony perform the music of the movies.  It was so much fun.  The facility is state if the art and we had the best weather.



  1. What a great week!! Why would you possibly want to slow down? :)


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