Week in Review

This week started off by me bringing Lily to work with my on Monday...not such a great idea.  Yes, it sounds fun but I was pretty stressed out and unproductive for most of the day.  Although there were alot of people to spoil her and help out, she wouldn't nap, I didn't have a highchair or anywhere convenient to feed her and it was just exhausting.  But I did manage to snap a few cute pics, and yes she had an outfit change :)

Tuesday morning Lily and I hung out at home for the morning and then met up with my friend Sally for a hike at a nearby state park, Shiloh Ranch.  Its the same hike Rollie, Lily and I did on Mothers Day.  It was supposed to be 3 miles but we made a wrong turn and it ended up being a little over 4.  Ooops.  Towards the end Lily was totally done and having a meltdown, and I was close to one.  Luckily Sally was great and helped carry Lily for the last part.  Then the three of us girls went to Chloe's for lunch.  That afternoon I ran a few errands and tried to relax a bit. 

Wednesday we walked with Jack & Melissa and then made a Home Depot Run.  That afternoon I watched Jack for a few hours while Melissa and her husband emptied out their storage unit.  Watching 2 was easier than I thought it would be, granted Lily was napping for most of it.

Thursday our friends Kerry and Kristen watched Lily for us.  Kerry's niece was in town too so Lily had an older playmate all day.

Friday Melissa returned the favor (but for the whole day!) and watched Lily.  That night after work I headed over to Cameron's for happy hour while the guys played night golf.

Saturday Rollie and Lily had their quality time and Sunday we had a really nice family day with a jog to breakfast (walk home) and a full day of errands & party prep.


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