25. Make Christmas cookies.made campfire cookies for cookie exchange at work
24. Buy a real Christmas tree & stash vases of fresh trimmings all around the house.Done 12/1
23. Send Christmas cards & find a way to display all the ones we receive *I've been wanting to find a new way to display for a couple years now.
22. Buy a new red nailpolish. didn't do this but got a pedicure with red toes...close enough
21. Hang a string of colored lights somewhere unexpected in the house. Around your chalkboard, in the bathroom or even in your closet. Lilys teepee
20. Watch Elf
19. Donate toys to a local charity.
didn't get to this but I cleaned out ALOT of drawers and closets today and I'm making a trip to Goodwill tomorrow.
18. Make holiday garland. Thanks Dawn & Micaela!
17. Take silly pictures in our reindeer antlers.
totally forgot this one too
16. Make fireplace/stove s'mores & listen to Christmas music.made campfire cookies...sort of the same thing
15. Buy a new ornament for 2013. I got Rollie a new start wars ornament
14. Play the Christmas Vacation movie drinking game
.played on Monday with our friends Tom/JC and Josh/Amber
13. DIY Christmas gifts for family.
Nope. Maybe next year
12. Have a date night, make a new recipe & watch Love Actually. Thursday we made paninis and watched Love Actually while putting together Lily's play kitchen
11. Make treats for co-workers & friends.
10. Drink hot chocolate & drive around looking at Christmas lights.My friend Melissa and I took Jack and Lily last week
9. Have a white elephant gift exchange. Had one last Tuesday at playgroup, Lily got a really cute submarine for the bath and a Goodnight North Pole
8. Take Lily to go see Santa. Didn't go over so well :(
7. Build a Christmas book collection
6. Go wine tasting/check out wineries decorations Went on Sunday but would like to go again
5. Go shopping in downtown SF and see the big Christmas Tree in Union Square. Last Sunday
4. Have a festive dinner out. Friday night with Dawn/Amar, Kai/Micaela and Cameron/Austin, so much fun!
3. Hang & stuff stockings (hopefully on a new mantle). Love our new mantle!
2. Watch Elf, Home Alone, A White Christmas, A Christmas Story & The Grinch Yep!
1. Make cookies for Santa & wear new Christmas pajamas Christmas Eve. Also Yep!
Here are a few pictures from Jack and Lily's trip to Snowman Lane a few weeks ago and Christmas pj's throughout the month.
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